
January 20, 2020
Inbound marketing is a very smart technique for drawing the attention of potential and actual customers to various products and services through the help of social media marketing or content marketing also known as search engine optimization and also branding. This marketing technique attracts potential customers by the way of creating content of some value...
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Business-to-consumer marketing or B2C marketing refers to the strategies a company uses to promote its products and services to people. Business- to- consumer marketing is used to create, advertise and sell products for customers to use in their everyday livelihood. Business to consumer marketing also includes a lot of strategies, techniques, and tools which are...
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Native advertising is a type of advertising that tends to match the function and form of the platform upon which it appears. It is basically the use of various paid advertisements that have the power to match the look, function, and feel of the media format in which they usually occur. Native advertisements are often...
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Attribution modeling describes the various methods available to marketers to properly break up and side by side assign the conversion credits to a number of different channels in case the users of the data lookup the websites multiple times through multiple mediums and ways available to examine the data in an effort to come to...
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